Monday 9 December 2013

Free Trade deal will bind NHS to private providers for good.

Corporate trade a-greed-ment: Notice that this image of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership has mighty corporations straddling the Atlantic while the 'little' people - the populations they are treading on - are nowhere to be seen. [Picture: FT]
Picture: FT

There are ongoing talks between the United States and the European Union to open the trade borders across the Atlantic.

This means that US businesses will have equal rights to sell goods and services within the UK as UK businesses. They will also have equal rights to bid for contracts put out to tender.

In healthcare this will mean that US private healthcare companies will have the same rights to bid for, and run healthcare services as local NHS providers.

Marketisation is now a requirement under law within the NHS, following the Health and Social Care Act, and its accompanying secondary legislation. This is despite the evidence that shows a market is bad for health systems.

The US/EU Free Trade agreement will make it illegal to be anti-competitive. This means that a future UK government would not be able to reverse the privatisation inherent in the Health and Social Care Act. Inclusion of Investor-State Arbitration will allow corporations to sue governments in tribunals, even for decisions that are legal under domestic law.

We believe that health should be exempt from the US/EU Free Trade Agreement and we believe that the people of the UK should have more say when massive transnational deals are being struck. 

It will also mean that when the current NHS changes are reversed we will still be able to decide what we think is the best way to run healthcare in the UK.

To have an impact on this issue:

  1. Write to your Members of the European Parliament. Their contact details can be found here.
  2. Encourage your MP to sign the Early Day Motion on this issue:
  3. Spread the word about the Free Trade Agreement and its damaging effects.

Further Reading

The real force behind the NHS Act- The EU/US Free Trade Agreement - Linda Kaucher - Open Democracy, Our NHS.
How the EU is making NHS privatisation permanent - Benedict Cooper - New Statesman
The lies behind this transatlantic trade deal - George Monbiot - The Guardian

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